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Experienced arborists + cutting-edge equipment 

= Fast, affordable and safe tree removal.


Let’s face it, money doesn’t grow on trees. If you need one or more trees removed, look to Wallace Tree Care. We’re home to experienced, certified arborists and the most innovative tree cutting technology in the industry with remote control handling. Your tree will be removed quickly, safely and affordably — with little to no damage to your yard. Learn more about our smart and cost-effective tree removal. Call us at 414.533.3000 or request a quote now.


Experienced arborists + cutting-edge equipment.

Lance Wallace is a certified arborist and an experienced tree hugger.  

Maybe we’re going out on a limb here, but Lance Wallace just might be the best arborist in the greater Milwaukee area. With 30 years of experience in the tree care business, Lance has the skill and know-how to make sure your tree is removed in the most efficient, cost-effective and safe manner possible. What’s more, Lance loves trees. He’s been known to give every tree a quick hug before he takes it down.


Innovative tree-cutting technology is safer, smarter and more cost-effective.

While Lance is the brains behind the process, Wallace Tree Care uses cutting-edge equipment to do much of the heavy lifting. We were one of the first tree services in the area to use a customized truck with a remote-controlled, telescoping grapple saw (TGS). We’re able to keep our feet safely on the ground, while we skillfully access your tree — even in hard to reach places — for clean and fast removal.

Do you have one or more trees you want trimmed or taken down? Call Wallace Tree Care at 414.533.3000 for fast, efficient and affordable tree pruning or removal. 


Lance Wallace WI-0392A       © 2023 Wallace Tree Care


6115 N Flint Road

Glendale, WI 53209 


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